__/\__ __/\__ \ oO / HELP \ Oo / /_ _\ ==== /_ _\ \/ \/ Press the HELP key or click the HELP button to return to the article and page you were previously on. Keyboard control (PAL or NTSC systems) ====================================== Left Cursor = Previous Page Right cursor = Next Page P = Goto Page Up cursor = Previous Article Down cursor = Next Article A = Goto Article S = Search Help key = Help file Space Bar = Contents M = Music/Samples G = Glossary F = Figs (pictures) B = Load Book Mark SHIFT + B = Save Book Mark C = Text Colour SHIFT + C = Background Colour F10 = Print ESC key = Exit GUI control (PAL only) ====================== At the bottom of the screen there are two rows of icons these icons are as follows. Top row from left to right. 1 Previous Page 2 Next Page 3 Goto Page 4 Previous Article 5 Next Article 6 Goto Article 7 Search 8 Help Bottom row from left to right. 9 Contents 10 Music 11 Glossary 12 Fig 13 Book Mark (Right mouse button to SAVE, left to LOAD) 14 Colours (Right mouse button for background, left for text) 15 Print 16 Exit Press the HELP key or click the HELP button to return to the article and page you were previously on. What the options are and what they do. 1 Previous Page Showes the previous page if avaiable. 2 Next Page Showes the next page if avaiable. 3 Goto Page When selected a window will open asking for a page number to be entered. Enter the number of the page you wish to go to and press return. If the page is avaiable it will then be displayed. 4 Previous Article Loads and displays the previous article if avaiable. 5 Next Article Loads and displays the next article if avaiable. 6 Goto Article When selected a window will open asking for a article number to be entered.Enter the number of the article you wish to go to and press return. If the article is avaiable it will then be displayed. 7 Search When selected a window will open asking for a search string to be entered. Type a word you wish to search for and press return. The program will then search the current article for your entered word. When found the page with the word in will be displayed and the the word will be highlighted. The search will then wait for a keypress to continue the search or you can press ESC to abort. IMPORTANT NOTE: The search is case sensitive 8 Help This will bring up this help file. Once loaded you can exit the help file by selecting the Help option again. This will then return you back to the article and page you were on before you selected help. You can also exit by using the goto article or contents etc. 9 Contents This options loads and displays the contents page. The contents displays the articles in the current issue of Miggybyte. Example:- [3] THE MADNESS SPEAKS........................................MADNESS The number in the box is the article number. The writing after it is the title of the article and the tag/name at the end of the line shows who wrote it. To view an article move the mouse pointer over the line it is on. The line should then become highlighted. Then click a mouse button to load and view that article. Another way is to select the Goto Article option and enter the number corresponding to that article, which will then be loaded and displayed. 10 Music This option toggles between sound FX and a music mod(s). 11 Glossary This option will load up and display a Glossary of terms used in the computer world. WARNING: This file is huge so it may take some time to load and unpack. 12 Fig If when reading an article you come accross [PRESS FIG BUTTTON] then select the fig option. Once activated the screen will be cleared and a FIG/Picture will then be displayed. If this option is activated at any other time it will be ignored. 13 BookMark When you select to save a bookmark the program will note what article and page number you are on and save this out as a data file to the disk. Please make sure the disk is write enabled if you wish to use this option. When you select to load a bookmark the program will look on the disk for the bookmark file. If found it will load it in and then load and display the article at the correct page that the bookmark points to. 14 Colours Simple, select the text colour option to change the text colour and select the background colour option to change the background colour. 15 Print When selected this will dump the full article to your printer. 16 Exit When selected the Mag will be closed and you will be returned to the operating system Press the Help key or click the help button to return to the article and page you were previously on. __/\__ Madness \ Oo / /_ _\ END \/ ===